Monday, September 27, 2010


There is currently am interesting exhibition being held outside the Rare Books Collection, Level 1, Matheson Library, Monash University, Clayton, titled Lewd and Scandalous Books, sourced from the Rare Books department. The exhibition is being shown until the 30th September, 2010.
Items being shown in this exhibition include erotic literature, accounts of the sexual lives of high society women and men from the 1700’s, erotic satire, books displaying human anatomy that were considered scandalous, books on pornography and prostitution and erotic illustrations.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Carla. Your content and referencing are good as is the presentation. A couple of formatting issues. The font in your first post is different to the ones that follow. I'd like to see some images (eg. book covers) and some in-text links to informative and authoritative websites. There are a lot of interesting resources around at the moment as 'banned books week' was recently well publicised.
